Sunday, November 20

Microsoft's Surface Experience has been seen many times in the advertising world, especially in product launches. The most recent of those launches is Toyota's "Scion Surface Experience," which will be making the rounds at auto shows late this year and into 2012.

Earlier in the year, Juxt Interactive worked with Toyota to bring the "world's largest multi-touch installation" at 60 square feet at the 2011 Detroit Auto Show. This time, according to Digital Buzz Blog, they're working with the surface table from Microsoft to show off their new line of hybrid cars, and clearly, their innovation in technology, by blurring the lines between information and entertainment:

At the Scion stand, you’ll get one of 8 cards that unlock unique experiences on the Surface table, taking users on a journey to discover images, video, specs, and sales information for the latest Scions. And when you flip the card over, it triggers parts of a song… If you get all 8 cards on the table, it releases the full song while also allowing you to re-mix your own version!

SCION SURFACE EXPERIENCE from JUXT Interactive on Vimeo.

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