Sunday, November 20

Starbucks jumps on the AR bandwagon

Signs of fall and the oncoming holiday season: Starbucks' pumpkin spice lattes, red holiday cups and... dancing cartoons on your morning coffee?

While perusing the iTunes App store, Starbucks Cup Magic appears as one of the featured applications. Strictly for the holiday season and its infamous red cups, Starbucks has created an augmented reality application strictly for the iPhone (no iPads here, but Android is around the corner) that brings to life the five characters on their November/December cups, Christmas Blend coffee bags, and other in-store signs.

In addition to the augmented reality, the app also has features like "Send an eGift," notifications of holiday offers and a gallery with bios for each of the cup characters, including which cups and products to find them on. While the characters seem more catered to kids, I wouldn't be surprised to see adults ooh-ing and aah-ing over the animation on their morning grande soy non-fat peppermint latte with a pump of cinnamon.

Video via BusinessWire's Youtube

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